Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

I've been waiting about 23 years to see this movie. Ever since I saw "Return of the Jedi" back in 1983 I've wanted to know about »

Things That Brew

Coffee Tea Beer Root Beer Kikkoman Soy Sauce Storms Trouble Witches »

Best Album Review Ever

A picture is worth 1,024 words: Tiny Mix Tapes: Nine Inch Nails »

Blocking Google Web Accelerator From Stealing Your Visitors' Private Information

As much as I generally love and use Google regularly, its new "Web Accelerator" sure seems to go against their in-house slogan "Don't Be Evil." This »

Morse Code vs. SMS

Answering the age-old question: who's got a faster means of communication, a 93 year old man using 100 year old technology, or a 13 year old »


Once again, it's a short-date format slot machine jackpot. Tune in June 6th of next year for more fun with dates! Also, happy fifth of May. »