Movie Sequels I'd Like to See
I was recently answering a question about sequels on Amazon's new Askville service and figured I'd post my response here, since I was cracking myself up »
I was recently answering a question about sequels on Amazon's new Askville service and figured I'd post my response here, since I was cracking myself up »
I've been waiting about 23 years to see this movie. Ever since I saw "Return of the Jedi" back in 1983 I've wanted to know about »
I've been writing to Roger Ebert through the Sun-Times web site for years and years, and read his "Questions for the Movie Answer Man" for years »
Just a quick note: the first two lengthy articles are now up at - one by yours truly and one by Chris Eagle. I »
After a long month of looking for a new Content Management System (CMS) I finally decided to adapt Movable Type (the engine of this very site) »
Even with the war in Iraq overshadowing the awards tonight, I thought MOST of the Academy Award attendees behaved rather well, considering how preachy and holier-than-thou »