I'm still playing around with Movable Type, but I was able to fairly easily add my old archived home page content into the new system.
It didn't seem pointfull to re-archive my old posts that focused mostly on a site re-design or just mentioned that I switched web hosting companies and if you're seeing this post, you're seeing the site at its new server, etc.
Even with the posts that I skipped, it's pretty obvious that I've been rather lax with posting updates to my personal (this) site, and the reason has mostly been that until now it's been a major hassle to post new entries.Hopefully by employing this new system that will change. It's not that I don't want to share with "the world" or don't like to type - I send a tonne of e-mail every day - but the steps I used to go through included:
- Open "TextPad" to edit the appropriate XML file.
- Type my entry by hand into the XML templates I cooked up for myself, including the XML tags and link URLs and titles.
- Fire up "WS_FTP" and upload the XML file.
- Upload any images I linked in the entry.
- Proof my entry in a web browser.
- Make changes in "TextPad" (there were always changes I wanted to make).
- Re-upload the XML file(s).
- Check again in a browser.
- Close "WS_FTP"
- Close "TextPad"
- Take a rest!
Now, granted, that really wasn't that much work, but it was tedious enough that I didn't make many entries.
So the idea now is that I'll post here at least as often as I post to various bulletin boards (like Web Hosting Talk or DVD Talk or the Plagiarist Poetry Discussion Forums) but probably not as much as I send e-mail.
I may start to "double-post" though - if I send something interesting to someone in e-mail I may cut and paste it here, and likewise with posts on BBs.
Anyway, this post has been a post-about-posting, which is necessary from time to time but mostly self-indulgent, as I suppose all "blogs" (web logs) are.
I'm not sure I'm the blogging type, but it's been too long since I've updated the site, and after all, no one's really going to come to Jough.com except to read things about me. So to those whom I've abandoned for so long, get ready to be happy.