I was recently answering a question about sequels on Amazon's new Askville service and figured I'd post my response here, since I was cracking myself up writing the list:
- Pulp Fiction 2: Walkin' the Earth Like Kane in Kung Fu
- Gooderfellas
- A Clockwork Purple
- Ei8ht
- Grandchildren of Men
- Malcolm XI
- Singin' in the Snow
- Casablanca 2: A Beautiful Friendship
- 3:51 to Yuma
- Losing Nemo
- Found in Translation
- The Princess Divorcee
- 8 2/3
- The Pears of Acceptance
- Planespotting
- Lock, Stock, and Three Smoking Barrels
- The Elephant Woman
- Stalag 18
- Blade Jogger
- Fargo II: Chipper Madness
- The Manchurian Incumbent
- The Eight Samurai
- Saving Lieutenant Johnson
- The Shawshank Transgression
- 13 Angry Men
- Side Window
- The Unusual Suspects
- Lawrence of Suburbia
- Braveheart 2: Brave Hearter
- Leonard Part 7
- Million Dollar Toddler
- The Deer Hunter 2: Electric Boogaloo