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Dada Toys


In the following pages you'll find some dada Java/cgi/html toys to play with.  The only qualification for belonging in this section was that the script had to be something interactive that the visitor could play with, but could not have any purpose other than merely... to be!



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What is Dada?

Dadaistic Manifesto

Dada Links

Dada Toys
(this page)
(or fun for the
feeble minded)

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© 1997-2000The Reverend Jough Approximately

All copyrighted material, images, words, or sounds are owned by their respective copyright holders and we really don't care who you are.  Any resemblance to Dada living or dead is purely coincidental.

Dada Inside!

This page has been
broken down into its component electrons

times since the
dawn of time.