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Take the Onramp!


To help in answering this question, we've enlisted the aid of several notable figures.   However, because of this website's unsavoury character, and because they can't allow their public persona to be tarnished due to their association to us, they've asked to be kept anonymous. 


Unnamed Spokesman #1

"I cannot tell a lie.
DaDa is a virgin

microbe that splices itself in infinite dimensions while the antelope roam..."

Unnamed Spokesman #2Knowledge, knowledge
Ideal Ideal Ideal

Boomboom, boomboom, BoomBOOM.

That is dada. That, and Ideal Boom Knowledge. 
Boom Boom.

Is someone looking for Dada?

  • DADA is a virgin microbe
  • DADA is against the high cost of living
  • DADA limited company for the exploitation of ideas
  • DADA has 391 different attitudes and colours according to the sex of the president
  • It changes -- affirms -- says the opposite at the same time -- no importance -- shouts -- goes fishing.
  • Dada is the chameleon of rapid and self-interested change.
  • Dada is against the future. Dada is dead. Dada is absurd. Long live Dada.
  • Dada is not a literary school, howl.

    Tristan Tzara

Give me your tired, your poor, your DaDABut then what say you of Liberty?  Dada dada dada the right proclaim to liberty!  Dada is freedom! Freedom from art, freedom from the righteous! Give me your tired, your poor, your dadaistic masses slurping at the fallow pond of freedom.  Give me your broken autos, your plastic taxicabs, your hollow windowpanes.  Where are you dada?  Where were you at the gates of Mylae?  What is the purpose of this?  To what do you propose?

Carry on, my children, humanity . . . Science says we are the servants of nature: everything is in order, make love and bash your brains in. Carry on, my children, humanity, kind bourgeois and journalist virgins . . . I am against systems, the most acceptable system is on principle to have none. To complete oneself, to perfect oneself in one's own littleness, to fill the vessel with one's individuality, to have the courage to fight for and against thought, the mystery of bread, the sudden burst of an infernal propeller into economic lilies.... Every product of disgust capable of becoming a negation of the family is Dada; a protest with the fists of its whole being engaged in destructive action: *Dada; knowledge of all the means rejected up until now by the shamefaced sex of comfortable compromise and good manners: Dada; abolition of logic, which is the dance of those impotent to create: Dada; of every social hierarchy and equation set up for the sake of values by our valets: Dada; every object, all objects, sentiments, obscurities, apparitions and the precise clash of parallel lines are weapons for the fight: Dada; abolition of memory: Dada; abolition of archaeology: Dada; abolition of prophets: Dada; abolition of the future: Dada; absolute and unquestionable faith in every god that is the immediate product of spontaneity.


Perhaps you will understand me better when I tellHe didn't believe in Dada. you that Dada is a virgin

microbe that penetrates with the insistence of air into all the spaces that reason has not been able to fill with words or conventions.

  1. Tristan Tzara





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© 1997-2000 The Reverend Jough Approximately

All copyrighted material, images, words, or sounds are owned by their respective copyright holders and we really don't care who you are.  Any resemblance to Dada living or dead is purely coincidental.

Dada Inside!

This page has been
broken down into its component electrons

times since the
dawn of time.